Saturday, November 3, 2007

To crash or not to crash: Prespective

I watched in horror as my right rear window cracked creating raggedy designs. Noooooooooooo Please stop! But the thuds, bangs, and splats continued raining car crash sounds. A hand of dread now squeezed and clawed… seizing its opportunity to murdering my tranquility. Stupid Stupid Stupid. Why couldn’t I learn to paying attention? Dad would be livid, when he found out. Crunch… tires rolled over shattered glass. Breathe, it’s going to be fine, call work and THEN call Dad. Oh my Goodness, it couldn’t be true ? Did I really demolish a GATE, with my vehicle ?Please God, make an exception and yank my recent time fragments, alter their course... Ok prayer time is over Ashley. You must pick up the phone and dial. God isn’t going to fix this mistake…

Fellow drivers were slowing down as they passed the accident site. I’m sure speculating, how a 23 year old girl had failed to notice an iron Gate swing shut, until it was too late. . She must have been … oblivious.. Right? It’s the normal answer given to “ life crashes”. They just weren’t thinking when they committed their affair.” Sorry I didn’t realize my account was depleted of money.” “You mean to tell me, harmless teasing caused a school shooting?” …… making excuses. Claiming unawareness as the guilty verdict. While, truth shouts," my fellow spectaters Ashley was paying attention." Miss guided focused, noticing vehicles entering an exit road instead of watching a closing gate,cost her, her mistake. Glass sprinkles, cutting lives.

What if spouses had been concentrating on their marriage, Or students on giving kindness away? What then? Because every day were analyzing and processing( contrarily to current belief) choosing a focal point. I walk passed my mistake and sigh. Where does our attentions lye? Perspective…. to crash or not to crash? That is the question. ….

Luke chapter 12:34 For where you treasure is, there will your heart be also.


Glory Revealed said... first of all, are you ok? That can be very frightening. I have been in an accident, and it was the most traumatizing thing ever.
But, you are right as far as perspective. We always come up with an excuse. But there is always a choice as far as our actions and our focal point. That needs to be the question in front of me all day long...where exactly is your focus Alicia? Where is your treasure in this very moment?

Glory Revealed said...

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